Changes in Quickreport 6 build 28 - 5th July 2019 -------------------------------------------------- 1.Composite reports in the Standard previewer cancel properly. The execution of a composite report may now be safely terminated by the user. 2. The TQRPGrid component is enhanced so it can print over many pages to display data from datasets or other sources. Sample code is available on request. 3. The xlsx spreadsheet export filter has been enhanced to allow blank columns to be inserted. Also automatic column allocation has been added as an alternative to using the 'xlColumn' property. A problem with numeric fields has been fixed but be aware that a control with 'ExportAs' set to 'expNumeric' MUST have a valid number in it or Excel will report the file as damaged. To insert blank columns on the left use the boolean filter option 'QR506Compat' and set the number of columns with the 'sheetLeftMargin' integer property. xlsxf.QR506Compat := false; xlsxf.sheetLeftMargin := 3; To use the automatic column allocation set xlsxf.useXLColumn := false; The new properties are also shared by the TQRXLSXFilter component and may be used to set the parameters for saving from the preview. 4. New field TQRQuickrep.useQR5Justification to change right-justified text background mode. One mode colours the background of the text only, the other mode paints the whole control background. 5. Default save type from preview works if no extension on file name is entered then the type defaults correctly 8. The progress indicator for reports where the record count of the data is unknown may optionally use a given substitute value. replaceRecordcount : integer; // use this as the record count in the progress window quickrep.usePassiveRecordCount : boolean; // set the flag 9. The helpfile has been updated ( and will be regularly updated in the future).